5 Best Interview Questions to Gauge Competency
Asking the right interview questions is crucial for employers in Ireland in 2023 when assessing a candidate’s competency for a role.
Competency-based interviews are designed to evaluate a candidate’s ability to perform specific job-related tasks and assess their relevant skills and experience.
By asking these targeted interview questions, employers can gain a better understanding of a candidate’s competency and determine whether they are a good fit for the role culture.
In this way, asking interview questions to gauge candidate competency is a critical part of the hiring process and can help to ensure that employers hire the best candidate for the job and overall long-term suitability for your company.
We asked our expert recruitment team at CREGG to outline some great examples:
Can you walk me through a project or accomplishment that you are particularly proud of?
This is a popular interview question among employers in Ireland in 2023 as it can help to gauge a candidate’s competency and specific skills related to the job. This question is often used to assess the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively and provide insight into their experience and skills.
According to a survey, 53% of hiring managers believe that the ability to communicate effectively is the most important soft skill a candidate can have. Asking this question can help to determine how well a candidate can articulate their achievements.
Additionally, the answer to this question can provide insight into the candidate’s problem-solving skills, leadership abilities, and overall work ethic. It allows the candidate to showcase their strengths and provides the interviewer with a concrete starting point.
What technical skills do you possess that would be beneficial for this role?
Asking about technical skills is a common line of interview questioning among employers in Ireland in 2023 as it can help to gauge a candidate’s technical competency and knowledge related to the job. This question allows the interviewer to assess the candidate’s technical skills and experience, which are often critical for certain roles and industries across Ireland.
66% of hiring managers in Ireland prioritise technical skills over soft skills when hiring for IT roles. By asking these interview questions, employers can ensure that candidates possess the technical skills required for the role and can hit the ground running.
This question can also help employers to assess a candidate’s ability to adapt to new technologies and learn new skills quickly, which can be important in a rapidly changing job market as 63% of Irish workers believe that technology will significantly impact their job in the next five years.
How do you stay organised and manage your workload effectively?
Gauging this aspect within an interview is critical for employers in Ireland in 2023 as it can help to assess a candidate’s competency in time management and organisation, which are important skills for all roles.
77% of job seekers in Ireland consider time management to be an essential skill for their next job. While another 61% of workers believe that their workload has increased in recent years, highlighting the importance of effective workload management.
This interview question allows employers to assess a candidate’s ability to prioritise tasks, meet deadlines, and manage their time effectively. It can also provide insight into their problem-solving skills and ability to handle pressure.
Furthermore, identifying candidates who are proactive and take ownership of their work will no doubt help your business. By understanding a candidate’s approach to workload management, employers can ensure that they hire individuals who are self-motivated and have a strong work ethic.
Can you describe a time when you had to collaborate with others to achieve a goal?
Determining teamwork ability is a valuable interview staple for employers in Ireland in 2023 as it can help to assess a candidate’s competency in teamwork and collaboration, which are important skills across all areas of industry.
According to a recent survey, 93% of job seekers in Ireland consider teamwork to be an essential skill for their next job. Additionally, 60% of Irish workers believe that collaboration is important for the success of their organisation.
This interview question allows employers to assess a candidate’s ability to work effectively with others, communicate ideas, and contribute to a team effort while providing insight into their problem-solving skills and ability to handle conflicts.
Additionally, asking this interview question can help employers to identify candidates who are adaptable and can work well in different environments. Get in touch with the CREGG team today and we will endeavour to ensure your hiring activities will not affect your performance.
Can you tell me about a time when you had to work under pressure to meet a deadline?
This will aid your company’s attempt to assess a candidate’s competency in handling pressure and meeting deadlines, which will be imperative across a number of high pressure areas of industry in Ireland for 2023.
74% of Irish job seekers consider meeting deadlines to be an essential skill for their next job as an additional 53% of workers in Ireland feel that their job involves high levels of stress.
Employers must assess a candidate’s ability to work well under pressure, manage stress, and deliver results in a timely manner. It can also identify candidates who are resilient and can perform well in high-pressure situations.
By understanding a candidate’s approach to working under pressure, employers can ensure that they hire individuals who are able to maintain focus, prioritise tasks, and deliver results despite the challenges.
If you are struggling to find the right candidate or line of interview questioning, get in touch with us at CREGG today and we can help ease the burden on your hiring team or whatever your needs may be.
You can also keep up to date with all the latest news, trends and events from the world of Irish recruitment by following us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.
Thanks for reading and we look forward to helping you along your recruitment journey!