Interview Questions - Overcoming Redundancy

5 Great Questions to Ask After a Job Interview

After a job interview in Ireland, it’s important to follow up with the interviewer to express your continued interest in the position and to gather more information about the job and the company.

The recruiters at CREGG always try to stress the importance of asking the right questions to your prospective employer at the end of each and every job interview and have highlighted not asking questions as one of their top pet peeves.

A good rule of thumb is to have between 3 – 5 questions prepared for the end of your job interview to show your interviewer that you indeed are very interested in the role at stake.

Our team at CREGG has outlined 5 questions to ask after a job interview.

Interview Preparation


1) When can I expect to hear back from you?

Asking “When can I expect to hear back from you?” is a fantastic question to ask at the conclusion of a job interview as it demonstrates your desire and interest in the role.

Also, it assists you in getting a feel of the hiring process timetable, which can be helpful for your own preparation and decision-making.

By querying this, you’re also demonstrating your respect for the interviewer’s time and awareness of the fact that they probably have other candidates to consider, all of which can help you establish a solid rapport with the interviewer and make a good impression.

Also, being aware of when you might anticipate hearing back from the interviewer will help you control your expectations and feel less anxious about how the interview went.

You can put more effort into other aspects of your job hunt in the interim and stop monitoring your email or phone frequently for updates if the interviewer provides a precise date or time range for when they will get back to you.


2) What are your company’s core values?

It’s always important to ask about a company’s basic principles towards the conclusion of a job interview because it demonstrates your interest in the culture and values of the prospective employer and how those values compare to your own.

You can learn more about the company’s overarching mission and vision by inquiring about the company’s basic principles.

It might not be the greatest fit for you, for instance, if the company encourages innovation and creativity but you prefer a more organised and process-driven atmosphere.

Also, being aware of a company’s guiding principles might help you get ready for success if you accept a job offer.

Knowing the company’s culture and principles might assist you in comprehending what matters to the organisation and how to contribute most effectively to its success.


Interview Questions



3) How do you support professional development?

It’s a good idea to inquire about professional development chances at the conclusion of a job interview because it demonstrates your desire to learn and advance within the company.

You can assess if a company is a suitable fit for your career aspirations by finding out about professional development possibilities. This will give you a better idea of the company’s dedication to employee growth and promotion.

Also, finding out about prospects for professional growth will help you get ready for success if the position is offered.

It demonstrates your want to learn and develop inside the organisation and your willingness to make an investment in your personal growth in order to support the success of the business.



4) Can you describe the team I would be working with?

Asking your interviewer about the team you would be working with at the conclusion of a job interview because it demonstrates your desire to learn about the dynamics of the team and how you would fit into its general structure.

You can get a better grasp of the duties and responsibilities of the team members, as well as how they work together and interact with one another, by inquiring about the team you would be working with.

This can assist you in determining whether the team and your working style are a suitable fit.

Furthermore, if you are given the job, being aware of the team chemistry might help you get ready for success.

You can be more successful if you are aware of the team members’ personalities, strengths, and weaknesses and determine how you can best contribute to the team’s endeavours and where you can add value.



5) What are some of the current challenges facing the company?

Recruitment FAQs

A fantastic topic to ask at the conclusion of a job interview is the issues the firm is now having because it demonstrates your interest in learning about the company’s current condition and how you can help the company overcome these challenges.

You can learn more about the company’s current strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats facing the organisation, by inquiring about the issues it is now facing.

Also, knowing the difficulties the business is facing will help you get ready for success if you are given the job. You can better appreciate what is important to the organisation and where you may contribute value if you are aware of the current challenges facing the company.


Thank you for reading our Top 5 questions to ask after a job interview in 2023. If you would like to catch up with the latest from the world of recruitment follow us on LinkedIn or see our latest job opportunities on our website!