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Ensure a Successful Onboarding Process in 2023

The success of an organisation depends largely on the quality of its employees. As such, the onboarding process for new hires is a critical step in ensuring their success and retention within the company.

In Ireland, as businesses continue to adapt to changing circumstances and embrace new technologies and practices, it is crucial for employers to establish a structured onboarding process that effectively introduces new employees to the company’s culture, policies, and procedures.

The team at CREGG have explored some essential tips and strategies that can help employers in Ireland create a successful onboarding process in 2023.

Create a Structured Plan


Creating a structured plan is critical for ensuring a successful and efficient onboarding process for new employees in Ireland. A well-designed plan can help new hires acclimate to their new work environment, understand their roles and responsibilities, and establish relationships with their colleagues.

By providing a clear and structured plan for the onboarding schedule, employers can ensure that new employees receive consistent and effective training, which can improve their overall job performance and help them feel more confident in their role. This, in turn, can lead to increased job satisfaction and employee retention.

When developing an onboarding plan, it’s important to consider the needs of the new employee as well as the needs of the organisation. For example, the plan should be tailored to the specific role and responsibilities of the new hire, as well as the culture and values of the company – learn how we can help you with this today.

Use a Mentor Programme

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Assigning a mentor to new employees during the onboarding process is an effective way to provide support and guidance during their transition to a new role and company. A mentor can provide valuable insights and advice on company culture, expectations, and job responsibilities, helping the new employee feel more comfortable and confident.

In fact, employees who participate in a structured onboarding program with a mentor are 50% more likely to stay with the company for at least three years compared to those who do not have a mentor. Assigning a mentor can also improve the effectiveness of the onboarding process. Organisations with a structured onboarding program that includes a mentor report a 60% improvement in employee engagement.

In Ireland, where competition for talent is fierce, it’s important for employers to invest in onboarding programs that help new hires feel supported and valued and using a mentor programme is a simple and effective way to achieve this.

Introduce a Welcome Package

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A welcome package is a collection of information and materials provided to new employees during the onboarding process to help them feel welcome and informed about the company culture and expectations. It is an effective way to show new employees that they are valued and help them feel more connected to your business.

68% of employees say that the quality of the onboarding process is a key factor in their decision to stay with a company long-term. A welcome package can include a variety of materials, such as a welcome letter from the CEO, an overview of the company’s mission and values, a detailed job description, information on company benefits, and a list of key contacts.

In Ireland, where we are currently experiencing talent shortages, providing a comprehensive welcome package can give employers a competitive edge when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent.

Utilise Technology

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In today’s digital age, the use of modern technology in the onboarding process is becoming increasingly important for employers in Ireland. Modern technology can help streamline the onboarding process, improve efficiency, and provide a more engaging and interactive experience for new hires.

Modern technology can be used in a variety of ways during the process of onboarding, such as online training modules, virtual tours of the workplace, and video conferencing for remote onboarding. This can help new hires feel more connected to your business.

When selecting technology to use in the onboarding process, it’s very important to choose platforms and tools that are user-friendly, accessible, and reliable. Providing training and support for new employees can also ensure that they feel comfortable using the technology and are able to fully participate in the onboarding process.

Request Feedback

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Receiving candidate feedback during the onboarding process is an effective way for employers in Ireland to improve their onboarding process and ensure that new employees have a positive experience. According to a survey, 76% of employees believe that receiving feedback is important for their success in a new job.

Receiving feedback from new hires can also help employers in Ireland identify potential issues as they onboard new hires, such as unclear expectations, lack of support or training, or a poor fit with company culture. Addressing these issues early on can help improve retention and reduce turnover.

To effectively solicit feedback from new hires, employers should provide multiple opportunities for feedback throughout the onboarding process, such as surveys, one-on-one meetings with managers, or focus groups.

If you are struggling to onboard or find the right candidate for a remote working job, get in touch with us at CREGG today and we can help ease the burden on your hiring team or whatever your needs may be.

You can also keep up to date with all the latest news, trends and events from the world of Irish recruitment by following us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

Thanks for reading and we look forward to helping you along your recruitment journey!